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DCRC_B_4C_Blue (2) (400x144)

DCRC_B_4C_Blue (2) (400x144)




The National Mastitis Council (serving as executive director since 2015)

The Agricultural Relations Council (serving as executive director since 2008)

The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (serving as executive director since 2017)

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (serving as executive director since 2018)


Green Industry


The Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association (created organization in 1988)

Project EverGreen (executive director for eight years; re-purposed group; now serves as consultant and advisory committee.)


Sports Marketing

Wells Fargo (execution of publicity programs at various high school events)

Minnesota State High School League (corporate sponsorship work since 1990s)


Pro Bono Clients

The Minnesota Literacy Council (marketing counsel)

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